Harness Influencer Marketing to Drive Performance

In today’s digital landscape, influencer marketing is playing a crucial role in shaping consumer behaviors and cultivating long-lasting brand devotion, driving business performance.

In US, YouTube reigns supreme as the go-to platform for product reviews and information-seeking, resonating particularly well with male users, Meta platforms lead the charge in social ecommerce, catering to diverse consumer preferences, while Instagram emerges as a favorite among female users, underscoring the platform’s impact on consumer engagement.

Engaging Content Formats: Short, Sweet, and Impactful

In terms of content type, 75% of consumers in US said that they find short form videos (less than 3 minutes) to be the most engaging content type,  followed by photo (likely bolstered by Instagram usage), long-form videos (5+ minutes), live streams, text-based posts and direct messages. The ranking did not change significantly across generations or self-identified genders, according to 2024 Impact Report by Traackr.

19% female consumers are more likely to rank humorous content as the most engaging content type. It can be a powerful tool in branding, as it helps create a memorable and positive association with a brand.

Top products purchased from social ecommerce

46% consumers said that they are more likely to buy fashion products, followed by beauty and personal care products, home goods, electronics, and food and beverage from social commerce platform. Gen Z were more likely to buy beauty and personal care product. Male consumers prefer electronics.

What impacts consumers decision

60% of consumers would not buy the product if something from brand conflicts with their values. 63% of consumers would stop following an influencer if they say or do something that conflicts with their values. More than 13% female consumers  have this sentiment about influencers than their male counterparts.

Influencer, the catalyst for consumer action

57% of consumers somewhat would try out a new social platform if an influencer they know and trust posts there. 61% of consumers feel that influencers’ posts impact their purchase decisions to some extent. 53% consumerswould check influencers’ recommendations.

41% consumers could pay for a favorite or trusted social media with infuencers’ exclusive content. 56% of consumers are likely to purchase a product from a brand that is collaborated by a social media influencer that they follow. Brands, particularly in lifestyle, that have successfully partnered with influencers on social commerce campaigns often lean into at super power that creators hold- storytelling.

By aligning with consumer preferences, championing brand values, and harnessing the power of influencers, brands can navigate the ever-changing social commerce landscape with outstanding performance.

Want to know how we can empower you in influencer marketing? Contact us at business@moca-tech.net.